The NCJRS Library is the database for the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, which provides a large quantity of resources related to crime and the courts. It is a great place to find a variety of information for evaluation.
NCJRS can be used for evaluation in a variety of ways:
• NCJRS makes it easy to search for documents by subject, author’s name, and keywords. The database contains abstracts, summaries of, and bibliographic information for over 200,000 publications including reports, journal articles, and unpublished research.
• Their collection covers a broad subject area that encompasses criminal justice and its related fields: corrections, law enforcement, drugs and crime, juvenile justice, and crime victims.
• Selected holdings of the NCJRS database are searchable but not accessible online; however, these materials are available through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) with local libraries, so it’s simple to make a request.
With roughly 300 new documents being added each month, this collection of crime and courts data is a truly a valuable online resource.