Data geeks with people skills.

Insights from Knowledge Advisory Group

Insights from Knowledge Advisory Group

Evaluation Can Be Fun? Yes it Can!
People who know me well have heard me say many times that I see evaluation as part science and part art....
How Can Measurement & Evaluation Help My Organization?
Someone remarked to me the other day, “Oh, I think measurement is great; it helps a lot of companies...
Everything Old Is New Again: Building Evaluation Capacity Within Nonprofit Organizations
I just recently came across a post that I wrote about a year ago for the American Evaluation Association’s...
Don't Be Confused, Be Informed!
I often hear nonprofit and government employees become frustrated with the “language” of...
Set Your Destination for Eval Central
Just this week, I discovered a fantastic new resource for program evaluators, or anyone else who geeks...
What is Capacity Building and Why is it Needed?
Need to learn more about nonprofit capacity-building? This article from the National Council on Nonprofits...
Life Is a Highway
A few weeks ago, I enthusiastically jumped in my Honda with a clear intention on lunch with a colleague...
Making Your Strategy Work on the Frontline
By now, you know that I love to scour the blogs at Harvard Business for great information.  Here’s...
Why Small Businesses Shouldn't Take Social Media for Granted
If you don’t have Mashable bookmarked, do it now. This site provides not only excellent tips and...
You Are What You Measure
Here’s an excellent reminder from Harvard Business Review that if you establish a metric for someone...
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